Construction of two highly complex feed systems for biomethane with a total of three main compressors, in a joint venture
Scope of Services:
Overall coordination, construction, installation, commissioning and maintenance of two fully modular plant systems, including analysis, measurement and control technology, entire associated pipeline construction work; packaging of the main compressors
Technical Details:
Plants for supplying up to three network sections of different pressure levels with dynamic load changes; construction process was significantly more difficult through upstream third-party plants: extensive coordination and planning effort, delay in commissioning => plant preservation necessary
Construction of two new gas compressor stations in Goleniow and Gustorzyn, Poland, and expansion of the existing plants to support the extension of Polish gas transmission network
Scope of Services:
Design review, procurement of all the materials and technical equipment for both stations, civil, mechanical and E&I activities including precommissioning, commissioning as well as operations and maintenance services
Special Challenges:
Extremely tight schedule, unexpected material shortages and planning delays, duly recovered during working execution.
Construction of a modular pilot plant for adding hydrogen to the gas distribution network
Scope of Services:
Detailed engineering including hazard analysis, definition of security and fire protection concepts; production planning and construction of the container facility; construction of necessary infrastructure; laying of the natural gas supply line; execution of the underground valve cross; installation, cabling and assembly of the container system control; commissioning tests; gradual optimisation of the amount of the hydrogen to be added up to 20% (over two heating periods)
Technical Details:
Pressure levels: 5 - 200 barg; flow rate H2: 110 Nm³/h
Testing the hydrogen capability of all connected household appliances (352 devices from 30 manufacturers); proof of the possibility of quickly adding large quantities of H2 to the natural gas network; acquiring knowledge for adapting and consolidating the DVGW regulations regarding H2; determination of reduction in CO2 emissions
Participation in the construction activities for the installation of a new latest-generation combined cycle GT36H-Class gas turbine installed in the power plant located in Tavazzano & Montanaso municipalities
Scope of Services
Civil and mechanical activities for the installation of the piping and BOP line structures and components, OTC oil tanks, condenser steam turbine and auxiliary systems of gas turbine and TV turbogroups of the new energy production group
Construction of the natural gas infrastructure of the network-stabilising power plant Irsching unit 6
Scope of Services:
Planning, construction of the gas pressure regulating and measuring station, the natural gas infrastructure and the high pressure gas pipelines, electrical engineering, commissioning
Special Challenge:
Unusually large nominal diameter DN 650
Construction of LNG filling stations – 12 filling stations of around 150 across Germany built by STREICHER
Skid design consisting of three main components:
70 m3 LNG cryogenic tank (20 m high), filling skid, main skid
Scope of Services:
Construction of the main components and the connecting pipelines, participation in commissioning and acceptance of the system, services
Construction of a biogas feed-in plant (BGEA) as general contractor
Scope of Services:
All work from implementation planning to development, civil engineering, building, electrical and safety engineering, pipeline construction, compressors, electrical and measuring technology, process control and telecontrol technology through to commissioning and turnkey handover
Scope of Services:
Laying the supply lines from the transfer point (pipe bridge on the tank house of a steelworks) to the gas pressure station (at a height of 23 m on the roof of the steelworks); laying of output lines from the station to the natural gas torch stations for two boiler plants; tests and approval according to DVGW; realisation of strength and leak tests
Technical Details:
Execution of a new biological methanation plant for research purposes for the production of synthetic methane through the conversion of H2 and CO2 by archaea (microorganisms)
Scope of Services:
Delivery of a reactor skid, output skid with various vessels for the after-treatment of the generated gas and a heating circuit as well as the necessary electrical engineering (EI&C) for the entire system.
Construction of the vessels, construction of the reactor and output skids, realisation of the automation technology, mechanical work, laying of stainless steel pipes at site, successful factory acceptance test
Grants from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs
Technical data: Design pressure 100 bar, capacity 459 MW, heating capacity 16 MW, welds total 2,500, pipe length total 1,500 m
Scope of Services:
Concept, planning, complete manufacturing of the gas supply system, delivery in 26 containers to Nigeria
Assembly of all components of the BHKW plant (6 gas engines, heat exchangers, cooling system and chimneys) as well as pipeline construction for exhaust gas, gas supply, hot water, cooling water, ventilation and oil supply plus their isolation. The assemblies were carried out parallel with production.
Technical leadership in the construction of several gas pressure control and metering systems for the natural gas receiving station Lubmin 2
Range of Services in Detail:
3 double-stage turbo-compressor units, gas processing system (LTS-Low Temperature Separator), 7 connecting lines DN 10" and 6 connecting lines DN 6"
Scope of Work:
Construction and installation of gas processing and compressor plant
Scope of Work:
Assembly of a regenerator hood for the FCC plant
Assembly of the cyclone unit with 8 cyclone couples,
wall thickness: 22 - 35 mm
Lifting of the regenerator hood (99.8 t) to the pre-assembly rack (height: 14 m)
Connecting and welding with the cyclones as well as the stainless steel flapper valves