STREICHER designs, executes and maintains supply lines for the media gas, water, electricity and district heating as well as fibre optic cables, broadband systems, communication and waste water lines. The customers include local authorities and energy supply companies as well as industrial companies and private citizens.
Whether the lines are laid above or below earth or inside of plants – the scope of services comprises a lot of different laying methods. These also include trenchless laying of pipelines by conventional, torpedo or vibratory plough as well as horizontal directional drilling up to a length of 1,000 m and a diameter up to 800 mm. Within near-surface geothermal projects alternative energy sources are developed by using probes. Services (pressure tests, damage analysis, sanitation concepts), maintenances and on-call duties complete the scope of service in local network construction.
In public utilities STREICHER is certified according to DVGW (W1, G1 and FW1).
for the following pipeline systems:
Laying by various plough techniques
Trenchless horizontal directional drilling method
Trench preparation by self-propelled trench cutting machines