Whistleblowing System

MAX STREICHER S.p.A. encourages all the people involved (inside and outside the company) to report, in good faith, any behavior - commission or omission - carried out in MAX STREICHER S.p.A. or in relation with it, that violates (or induces to violate) the applicable regulations, its values, its policies and procedures, or that may cause a financial or reputational damage to the Company itself.
The platform dedicated to whistleblowing can be reached at https://streicherit.integrityline.com.

The EQS Whistleblowing reporting platform integrates the available reporting channels listed below:

  • in-person meeting at the premises of Alfa Solutions S.p.A., reporting manager, Strada Baganzola 36/A, 43126 Parma (PR)
  • ordinary mail / registered letter addressed to: Alfa Solutions S.p.A. - head office, Strada Baganzola 36/A, 43126 Parma (PR). Remember to write down “To the attention of reporting manager” on the front of the envelope.

Please refer to the Whistleblowing Procedure for details on how to report or any further details.